SAVE THE DATE - Special dates and school days
February 24 - March 18, 2025: "E-Waste-Race" / collection campaign
March 07, 2025: German learning level (year 8)
March 11, 2025: English learning level (year 8)
March 13, 2025: Math learning level (year 8)
March 26, 2025: Consultation day for pupils
April 03, 2025: Parents' consultation day

E-waste in the schoolyard - a sustainable collection campaign!
For a few days now, old electrical appliances such as toasters and charging cables have been lying around the school grounds, which caused some astonishment at the start of Class 7b's "E-Waste Race" collection campaign.
With the support of their class teacher Ms. Teuber, the pupils will be collecting electrical waste until 18.03.2025 and ensuring the sustainable disposal of old small appliances. In this way, they are helping to save valuable resources and making a very practical contribution to environmental protection.
We think that's great!
If you are interested in donating electronic waste (up to a size of 50x50x50 cm) and supporting the E-Waste Race, please use the link and contact us!

"A warm welcome!" - Open day at
December 13, 2024
In an Advent atmosphere, numerous visitors took the opportunity to gain interesting insights into everyday school life and information about the special features of our school. Making lipsticks in the chemistry room, trying out the VR glasses, getting to know the school dogs and enjoying delicious cakes in the cafeteria were just some of the highlights last Friday. While the fourth graders hunted for stickers in the sticker rally, parents had the opportunity to talk to the school management and teachers. It was great!

Reading competition in year 6 - "Reading is really exciting!"
In an exciting competition last week, Noah Kuster (class 6a), Georgios Lahdo (class 6b), Lia Zaremba (class 6c) and Lilly Marschall (class 6d) competed as winners of their own class in the first round of the competition with a prepared text. In the second round, the four representatives of their classes then read an unknown text from "Tomte Tummetott" by Astrid Lindgren. The candidates mastered both rounds brilliantly, as the audience showed with great applause. The jury, which consisted of both pupils and teachers, had a difficult task and ultimately decided in favor of Lilly, who had scored the most points. We would like to thank everyone who took part and congratulate Lilly Marschall, Class 6d, on her victory in the Year 6 reading competition. As the school winner, she will represent our school in the district competition. We are keeping our fingers crossed!

Advent window campaign
Since December 1, you can discover Christmas changes in at least one classroom every school day during Advent. Around 20 classes or working groups take part and have set themselves the task of making our school more festive bit by bit. To do this, they decorate at least one window of their own classroom with their craft ideas. Classes 6d, 5a, 8c and SFK A started last week, with their Advent windows attracting curious, cheerful and enthusiastic looks. We can't wait to see which decorations will be added in the coming school days during Advent - it will be beautiful!

Start of the Nansen European Championship 2024/25
Traditionally, the Nansen-EM starts on St. Nicholas Day with the distribution of flags to classes 5-9 and the language support classes. Today, all class representatives received the flag of the country they are representing in the current school year. Every year since 2008, the school's support group has organized a competition in which the classes can win a large sum of money for the class fund. The starting signal has now been given and the plans and ideas for "our own country" can begin! However, the weather did not play along today, which is why the flags were handed over under cover for the first time due to the heavy rain. Nevertheless, we are pleased with the successful start and are looking forward to more!

Recertification as a European School
Now it's official - we are still a proud European School! The fact that the topic of Europe is very close to our hearts is nothing new. We have been allowed to call ourselves a European School since 2008 and have been recognized as such. Every few years, all European schools have to prove that they continue to meet the requirements and that Europe is a lively topic in lessons, in school life and in the minds of the school's members. We have now achieved this once again and were able to impress with our Nansen European Championships, for example. On November 25, a small delegation from our school received the award in the state parliament in Düsseldorf. We are very proud!
Photo: State of NRW / Mark Hermenau

"An app for more co-determination"
There is also an article about our school in the November 4, 2024 issue of the Wübben Foundation's "SchuB" magazine! Our principal Andrea Preuß was interviewed on the topic of co-determination and promoting democracy and presented our "aula" project. "Running!"

This is important to us: Ms. Löhr's religion course sets an example!
Last Monday, November 4, 2024, the religion course in year 9 cleaned the stumbling stones of the Weyl family and the Lion siblings as part of the Week of Remembrance. The Stolpersteine in Gronau are cleaned every year by secondary school pupils. A great commitment!

Advance notice: Information events for parents and guardians of fourth graders
As part of the school registration for Year 5 in the 2025/26 school year, there are various information events for interested parents and guardians. Take the opportunity to gather information about our school and the Realschule school type and also to start a conversation:
- "Wegweiser Schule" in the Bürgerhalle, November 22, 2024
- Info parents' evening of the FNRS, December 16, 2024, 6 p.m.

Ground-breaking ceremony - Work begins on the construction site!
Last week, the ground-breaking ceremony finally took place, marking the start of the construction site. Together with the mayor Mr. Doetkotte, the city planning officer Mr. Groß-Holtick, the responsible architect of the city of Gronau Mr. Brunnert, the architectural office Farwick + Grote, the representatives of the city and the construction company and the representatives of our school, Mrs. Preuß, Mr. Smit, Mrs. Petzold, Mrs. Liening for the parents' council and Azam Massoud as student representative, the spades were used!

USA exchange 2024 - "It was a great time!"
Students and teachers from our school visited the USA again this year. The short reports and photos in between definitely whetted our appetite for more: we are already very excited about the information and experiences and are looking forward to the report! In the meantime, our "travel group" led by Ms. Yeung and Ms. Brandt has arrived back in Gronau safe and sound.

"Artificial intelligence" workshop at Tobit - "That was really exciting!"
What is Batman actually doing in a forest in the south of England on a unicorn?
Class 8b and nine teachers from our school were able to get to the bottom of this and other exciting questions in a workshop at the Tobit company in Ahaus on September 2. In addition to information and exercises on data-safe prompting, avoiding false results and generating artificial images when using AI, the program also included a tour of TOBITTOWN. In a next step, the other Year 8 classes and the school community will now benefit from the group's experiences.

"A successful start!" - Enrolment of the new year 5
Last Wednesday, we welcomed 92 new pupils and their parents to the school community! After an enrolment service in St. Anthony's Church, principal Ms. Preuß welcomed the new Year 5 pupils and their parents in the school playground. The pupils then went to their classes, where there were already some organizational matters and a lot of getting to know each other on the agenda. During this time, the parents were informed about various topics at our school: Media education, use of iPads, digital school... There was also plenty of time to get to know each other and chat over coffee and cookies.

Year 6 class trip to Borkum - "It was great!"
(from May 6 - 8, 2024)
At the beginning of May, the entire Year 6 class traveled to Borkum to experience their long-awaited class trip. With 8 accompanying teachers, 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d set off early on Monday. We took the ferry to Borkum in bright sunshine but not quite as hot temperatures. Once there, we moved into our rooms in the youth hostel. During the three days, we were able to enjoy mudflat walks, visits to the town and beach and a bit of sightseeing. Another highlight was the inter-class soccer tournament, in which students competed against their teachers. It was a great trip!

Workshop on the design of the future outdoor area with the team of landscape architects - "It's going to be really beautiful!"
on 03.05.2024

"Aula" promotes democratic education - co-determination is a way of life at the FNRS!
A look at the Westfälische Nachrichten from 19.04.2024

Gronau schools' swimming competition - 28 pupils from our school compete
On 21.06.24, an exciting swimming tournament took place in the Gronau outdoor pool, in which numerous talented and successful swimmers from the FNRS took part. Our swimmers were able to secure bronze, silver and gold medals in the group relays and also in some individual competitions. We are delighted with the medals won and the strong team performance and are optimistic about the next competitions in the new year! We are proud of you, congratulations!

Farewell to year 10 - "Unique like us: Incomparable, unmistakable, unforgettable!"
On June 21, we bid farewell to our Year 10 students in a festive farewell event, at which this year's "10s" presented their motto in their usual incomparable, unmistakable and unforgettable way.

Sincere congratulations - Nansen European Championship final
On June 14, the six final classes battled it out for places on this year's winners' podium. It was a great, fair competition with unexpected sunshine and a great atmosphere! Many thanks to the final classes and their accompanying teachers and, of course, to the Förderkreis, which was represented as a jury and also offered the prizes for the class fund.
We appreciate your interest in our school and cordially invite you to inform yourself and participate in the small and big events of our everyday school life!