AULA - the democratic co-determination platform for all learners

Real co-determination needs to be lived


The Aula digital platform specifically promotes the participation and personal responsibility of learners by providing a space for suggestions, discussions and votes on various school topics. These include, for example, the selection of projects, the organization of school events or the development of completely new and unconventional ideas. Great importance is attached to ensuring that every idea, no matter how bold, is respected, appreciated and discussed. The age or experience of the learners is irrelevant. This not only contributes to the diversity of ideas, but also creates a climate of respect and cooperation.

Aula also focuses on promoting important social and democratic skills among learners. Active participation in the platform helps to develop skills such as constructive collaboration, understanding of democratic principles and improving communication skills. Overall, our aim with Aula is to create a school community in which every voice is heard and in which all learners have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping their education and the school community. This school offer represents a new era of school involvement and participation, which was initiated by the politician Marina Weisband