School supplies

The trial level: Years 5 and 6

The trial stage: Years 5 and 6

General information

Years 5 and 6 form a single unit at the Realschule, the so-called "trial level", in which pupils try out the Realschule school form. There is no promotion from year 5 to year 6, as is usual in the higher grades; all pupils move on to year 6 regardless of their performance. Voluntary repetition of year 5 is possible. The general promotion regulations then apply for promotion to Year 7; it may be possible to repeat Year 6. The maximum retention period of three years in the trial level may not be exceeded.

Overall, contact and exchange are particularly important in the probationary stage: three times a school year, probationary stage conferences are held at which all teachers who teach in a class discuss a child's development. At the end of year 6, this committee decides whether the child will remain at the school. In terms of a positive school career, the exchange and contact between parents and guardians and the school is also important. The first points of contact here are the class leaders of Years 5 and 6.

A successful start

Ensuring that all pupils feel comfortable is the basis for a successful start. Certain building blocks have proven to make the transition from elementary school to Fridtjof-Nansen-Realschule easy for our new Year 5 pupils. On an afternoon before the summer vacations, the new classes get to know each other and spend an afternoon with their new class teacher. This is also where the school social workers and class mentors introduce themselves.

There is a special plan for the first week of school for the new Year 5 classes. In the first few days, the classes have a lot of time and lessons with the class teacher, the mentors and the school social workers are involved and particularly present. Social learning takes place for all Year 5 classes in the first semester.