The middle school: Years 7 and 8

Your child will have successfully completed the trial stage by moving up to Year 7. Special features in the upcoming 7th and 8th grades are:

  • There is a project trip to a memorial site.
  • From year 7 onwards, compulsory elective lessons with written class tests are chosen as the fourth so-called main subject (with grading effect): Dutch, French, biology, computer science, social sciences, technology (expected from 2025)
  • Entry into career guidance: Girls' and Boys' Day, potential analysis, career exploration, career choice passport, etc.
  • In the subjects German, English and mathematics, comparative tests are written in the 8th grade (VERA-8), which serve as a further diagnostic tool.
  • From grade 7 onwards, retests are possible under certain conditions in the event of failure to pass.
  • Further opportunities for support in the case of reading and writing difficulties or dyscalculia as well as visits to the respective learning offices.